Sunday, October-24-2010
I’ve been mulling it over for quite some time now and am thrilled to finally start the my long awaited blog. I left the topic and theme wide open to avoid the dreaded writer’s block. As long as it pertains to the middle age perspective, from my own point of view, it’s acceptable for these pages. Whether it’s entertaining and or fit to read will be up to your discretion. I hope you like it and I welcome your comments!
My first blog is simply an introduction. This “Middle Age” thing takes some getting used to. It’s a good thing we live our lives one day at a time. Most things tend to creep up gradually. I guess it’s nature’s way of softening the harsh reality of aging. Tiny, almost imperceptible changes happen every day, and eventually they manifest to a degree that is noticeable.
I was always proud of my perfect eyesight, but to my surprise, in my mid 40’s things started to get blurry unless I held them at arm’s length. Now, I wear progressive lenses every day at work.
I used to be able to eat anything, in any combination at any time. Now, I need to limit certain foods or pay the consequences. My body responds with digestive upsets and gout. Gout?! I thought that was a disease for old folks. When did nature decide that I qualify? Any amount of coconut milk or seafood or alcohol has my toe tingling in no time.
My once luxurious mane of hair is now thinning both in numbers and dimension. Why can’t everything else get thin as well?
I can recall as a teenager, I considered anyone over age 21 as old . Being over 40 was almost impossible to imagine. When I thought about the future and the year 2000, the realization that I would be 48 was almost traumatic. My reaction was “ I might as well be dead”. Well, here I am 10 years later and to my astonishment, I find myself very much alive. I am still learning new things every day and I anticipate my future with joy and an open heart.
Life is an adventure with a limitless array of challenges and surprises. I will attempt to share them with you. Let’s enjoy the journey together!
Hi Ingrid! This is Ian, i was able to browse some of your topics and I fervently like it! Especially this topic and about Zeus!. You are really flabbergasting! I'll read all of our topics!