The Case for Christmas Cards
I sent out my Christmas Cards today. In this age of instant messaging there has been a noticeable decline in the more than 100 year old tradition of sending cards to our loved ones.
Many people are questioning the value of this custom. Everyone is stressed to the limit and sending cards is just one more thing to get out of the way. There is also the rising cost of stamps to consider in these harsh economic times.
However, I choose to continue this traditional ritual and I invite all of you to do the same. Let’s not think of it as a duty or obligation, but rather as a way to renew a sense of kinship with our recipients. It’s a simple gesture of reaching out to those who matter to us.
I carefully sort out the cards, matching each one to the receiver. I take the time to admire the art work and design elements of each card. The “Season’s Greetings” and “Happy Holidays” are sent to the non Christians. Devout Christians can expect a Nativity scene or angels and a “Merry Christmas”. The rest of you non-commited folks (and you know who you are) get the Snowmen and Santa’s and Ho Ho Ho’s. In the true spirit of Christmas, no one is left out. Love and joy are universal no matter what your personal beliefs.
The design or the words on the card are not the most important thing. What really counts is that you matter to me. I value your friendship and kinship and want to express that sentiment. I send the cards freely and without expectation. I don’t want someone to rush out and reciprocate just because I sent them a card. I don’t expect that. In the true spirit of giving, one should not keep score or expect anything back.
The Dalai Lama said “my religion is simple; my religion is kindness”. Kindness and compassion are what set us apart from all living creatures. Let’s be mindful at this special time of year to spread the message of peace and love. (and if you happen to love Walmart, that’s ok too!).
With apologies to David Letterman, here are the
Top 10 reasons to send Christmas Cards
1. You remind your friends and relatives that you are still alive
2. You get a chance to edit your address book
3. You spend time on quiet reflection as you focus on each name
4. You support the Hallmark and other Card companies
5. You create work for Canada Post
6. The cards can be used in crafts and the stamps can be collected.
7. You can give everyone a short summary of the fabulous year you had
8. You can send greetings and best wishes at your convenience and without paying for long distance.
9. You carry on a long tradition that began over 100 years ago.
10. And the best reason to send a card: “You can spread good wishes and guilt in one tidy package.” It’s a mother’s dream come true!
Merry Christmas
May your wish be fulfilled this Christmas