Thursday, March 17, 2011

Gout Wars


I suffer from gout. Sometimes I feel as if my body has declared war on me. The battle is being waged in my big toe joint, with pain and inflammation and loss of movement. It can strike suddenly, most often in the middle of the night.

The first time it happened, I didn’t know what it was. My right toe joint was red, swollen and the size of a ping pong ball. Walking was impossible. Shoes didn’t fit. It was very painful.

I soon found the cause of my suffering. Gout is a form of arthritis that is caused by an excess of uric acid in the blood. The uric acid forms crystals in the joints which in turn cause the pain and inflammation. I had my blood tested. My uric acid level was only slightly about the normal upper limit, but it was enough to initiate an attack.

The disease has been called the Rich Man’s disease because it used to be a common affliction of the upper classes, who freely indulged in alcohol and meat consumption. Some of the more famous sufferers included Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, Henry the VIII and Nostradamus and Ben Franklin. The poor could not afford this rich diet and thus were spared.

I’m not a man, I’m not rich, I don’t indulge in alcohol and yet this affliction has found me. Only one in 10 sufferers are female. I feel as if I won a lottery without ever buying a ticket. How could this happen? I guess every person with health issues asks themselves the same question. I went on a quest for knowledge. I wanted to minimize my risk factors and seek natural remedies.

I was initially treated with Colchicine and Indomethacin. The symptoms quickly abated but I was concerned about the toxic effect these drugs would have on my liver. Some of the side effects (ie: severe diarrhoea) were almost as unpleasant as the disease.

With research on the internet I discovered that many of the foods I was eating put me at greater risk for a gout attack. I used to eat a lot of soy products such as tofu because they were supposed to minimize menopausal symptoms. I was on a health kick and ate plenty of spinach and legumes. All these were acid forming foods that can cause an attack. Processed foods with sugar and wheat flour are also taboo. It gets to the point where every food is suspect and each time I have an attack, I try to figure out what I ate to have caused it. The other night I indulged in Hummus, one of my favourite snacks. The next day my toe joint was aching slightly, reminding me of my indiscretion. Chick peas, a legume are not gout friendly.

Thankfully, my symptoms are under control at present. I usually get one or two attacks per year. Since I can recognize the early signs, I take action immediately, to prevent a full blown attack. I drink a lot of water and start on the medication. Cherries are an excellent natural remedy. I buy the dark cherry juice concentrate at the health food store and mix it with water and ice. Celery juice is also good for gout, especially if it is made fresh with a juicer. Some people take a bit of baking soda or sea salt in water to alleviate their symptoms but the excess soda can cause other side effects. We are constantly reminded that our bodies are magnificent machines that must remain balanced to maintain good health. Everything plays a part and affects everything else.

Aging is full of surprises. I’m all for peace, but I have declared war on gout. I have modified my diet and adjusted my habits. I avoid the big offenders, especially alcohol and meat. I focus on eating fruits and vegetables, brown rice and quinoa. I still enjoy my daily coffee and indulge in chocolate but limit the quantities.

I used to love buying high heels and step out in style. Now all my shoes are “gout friendly”. The heels are lower and the straps crossover to avoid the troublesome joint. Comfort is more important than fashion. (I can’t believe I said that..) Actually, pain or rather, the lack of it is a great motivator. I remember when the saying “Your mother wears army boots” used to be a common insult. But now, it all makes sense. The poor woman probably suffered from gout.

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